Joss Whedon bases his characters on people he knew. Cordelia's name was taken from a girl his wife knew from school, and the character of Xander is mirrored on Joss himself.

Names on the graves are taken from actual crew members.

There is a message board in both the cafeteria and the stairwell that the crew enjoys playing with. If a person were to actually read it, they might find some interesting new class at Sunnydale.

The stickers that are plastered all over the lockers are from bands that have played on the show.

In "I Robot, You Jane" when Moloch finds Buffy's records they say she's a sophmore born on October 24, 1980. However, when he transfers the files to Fritz they say she is a senior born on May 6, 1979. In both cases the birth month is wrong since in every season she has celebrated her birthday in January.

In "The Puppet Show" when Buffy walks under the stage looking for Morgan there is a picture of Moloch on the wall behind her.

The original title for "The Invisible Girl" was "Out of Mind, Out of Sight"

The show's makeup artist, Todd McIntosh made an acting debut in the episode "Lie to Me" when he plays on of Spike's vamps.

The Master's real name is Heinrich Joseph Nest

All the books that are in the Sunnydale Library are real books

Ms. Calender's name was originally going to be Nikki, but was changed to avoid confusion on the set with actor Nicholas Brendon who's friends call him Nicky

Willow's running off the stage in "The Puppet Show" while she, Buffy and Xander are performing was not in the script.

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is property of the WB, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. I am not in any way connected to any of the cast, crew, or management.